

祝賀 AVI 馬來西亞順利投產

27-07-2023 | 公司, 公告和一般新聞

CVI Group | KSC

深耕合作 共同發展

AVI Polymer (M) Sdn. Bhd 啟動投產

卓越的在地化服務 滿足客戶材料改性需求

熱烈恭賀,建生長期合作夥伴 CVI Group 于馬來西亞的新改性廠 AVI Polymer (M) Sdn. Bhd 投入服務,利用本土化資源將新進技術的材料加以推廣,期盼與客戶一起取得共贏。
Kin Sang sincerely congratulates our long-term partner CVI Group on the grand opening of her new compound plant – AVI Polymer (M) Sdn. Bhd. in Malaysia. CVI promotes new technology materials by using localized resources, achieving a win-win situation with customers.
華誼公司 CVI
華誼公司已有 30 年的發展歷史。從早期的單純從事技術性產品貿易開始, 迄今已發展為具有科研, 資訊系統, 生產製造, 及技術性產品貿易的綜合性企業。新廠房生產線配備太陽能電池板,以使工廠利用新的可再生能源高效運行。
CVI was established in the 1980s’. For the past 30 years, CVI has evolved from being a trading firm into an enterprise vertically integrated with functions including information systems, manufacturing, and technical consulting. The new plant also will be equipped with solar panels in order to make the plant run efficiently with new renewable energy.