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Green Walk Hong Kong | Let’s Go Green

26-03-2024 | Company, Notice and General News, Sustainability

Kin Sang team responds to the "Green" call

In addition to providing carbon emission material solutions, we also actively participate in public welfare event to raise awareness of environmental protection. We sponsored The “Green WALK Hong Kong 2024” campaign organised by World Green Organisation (“WGO”) This event aims to raise awareness among Hong Kong residents about climate change and encourage the use of low-carbon transportation, promoting an energy-efficient and low-carbon lifestyle. This year's theme is "Promoting a Walkable City and Combating Climate Change”. We glad to send 4 teams to join the “Fun Walk”. Participating teams will be required to plan their own routes and complete the checkpoints along the Central to Wan Chai Harbourfront within the designated time limit in order to compete for the championship. The City Orienteering Competition to raise awareness among Hong Kong residents about climate change and encourage the use of low-carbon transportation, promoting an energy-efficient and low-carbon lifestyle.



The World Green Organisation (WGO)

WGO is an independent non-governmental organisation concerned with environmental conservation and environmentally related livelihood and economic affairs. It provides a holistic approach to a fully integrated three-pronged solution that combines social, environmental and economic dimensions for a paradigm shift towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways.

Through science-based policy research and community projects, the WGO aims to enhance the quality of the environment, promote a greener economy, and improve people’s livelihoods. In particular, it will focus on the social concerns of underprivileged groups and on the creation of a green economy, to help realise its vision of sustainable development.